Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Products coming in almost daily!

Since CHA, product has been rolling in almost every day. Just this week, we got...

Nikki Sivils ...and... Technique Tuesday
And those awesome Paper Wizard die cuts for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, military, travel, and so much more!
I also have a new distressing tool I want to share with you. Come in on Friday or Saturday and I'll show you how it works.
See you soon!
The Mom

Sunday, August 8, 2010

And the winners are!...

During our BIG 36 hour crop on 7/23-7/25 we held a drawing for some amazing prizes! First prize was a pink totebag filled with scrapbooking goodies representing a retail value of over $300!

Check out Amber's reaction when she saw what our customers were going to be awarded!

...But wait, that's not all...

2nd prize was another pink tote and supplies retail value over $100!

3rd prize was a blue tote stuffed with wow product worth over $50!

I know you are excited to find out who the lucky ladies were, and here they are:

First prize goes to Tamara Hazel!


2nd prize winner is Brenda Devall!

Third prize winner has been under the weather, so pics and announcement coming soon.
Wait for it, wait for it.....