Stop by Charleston Scrapbooking this
Saturday October 2nd at 8am-noon
for our Fall Scrapbooking Yard Sale!
We are located on 7800 Rivers Ave, Suite 1050
in N. Chs 843-569-3559
Your fellow crafters have gone through their good stuff and are willing to part with some fabulous goodies in order to get new stuff. Come get incredible deals on storage solutions, tools, machines, cartridges, stamps, embellishments, mags and books, all things crafty!
- Bring a shopping bag.
- Cash or check preferred
- Debit/credit ok for $25 or more yard sale purchase
- 4 pay stations to minimize check out time
There will also be great in-store deals for you while you're here. These unadvertised specials will only be offered on Saturday. The doors open at 8:00am on Saturday.